Tarot Reader

About RA Martin

Tarot Reader RA Martin

Tarot Reader

Meet RA Martin

Thalia, who presided over comedy and idyllic poetry, is my Muse. Life goes down better with a dose of humor and poetry. Grew up in the Midwest in the middle of a cornfield surrounded by books, chickens, horses, tomato plants, roses and an old pear tree. Named after my grandmothers: Ruth and Anne. Ruth brought out the Ouija board when I was 8 years old, and I've been listening to the whispers ever since. Lots happened in between then and now! Presto~ I am in France still surrounded by books, chickens et al, sunflowers replacing the corn and Tarot cards instead of a Ouija board. I like to look at the patterns, the poetic unity of a person--to follow the thread that exists below one's sight. The edge that is undefinable; the edge between two things where change occurs. To make something out of one's own essence is to become what we love. Tarot is a tool for transformation; to help us cross thresholds and shape new destinies. And if we look in the right places we can change in an instant...Abracadabra!

Tarot Reader

About the Cards

I have been reading the “cards” for over 40 years. My readings are a combination of experience, intuition and “channeling”. I am a medium/clairvoyant, connecting to the Divine Force and Trusted Guides on the other side.

As a child, I was nicknamed “Cassandra,” because the visions I had and spoke of, were not always what people wished to hear or know. To the best of my abilities, as a tarot reader I tell the truth and provide as clear a pathway to happiness and  wholeness as I can. Ultimately, the Cards tell the story.  I am the Story-Teller.

I use various Tarot decks, as well as Oracle cards as a tarot reader. Singly, or  together we will choose the deck most appropriate for your particular situation. A sampling of some of my decks below: 


The Radiant Tarot is a unique and special deck created by my friend and Artist, Alexandra Eldridge, with the Poet/Author, Tony Barnstone. “The creation of The Radiant Tarot deck was born from the author and artist’s years of working with archetypal images, the universal symbolic language. Sentient animal and plant kingdoms animate the artwork, honoring and acknowledging the interconnectedness of all life. The art is inspired by “Gaia mind,” where all creation’s forms—animal, vegetable, mineral—affect our precious planet in life-supporting ways.” I’m excited to be working with this deck, and its potential to help querents who are seeking advice and inspiration as they birth their own “creations. Truly a “Transformational Tarot” experience!

 By Artist,
Alexandra Eldridge




This is one of my favorite decks, gifted to me by the Creator/Designer, Carrie Paris. I’ve been working with it for around 10 years. It’s my “go to” deck for in-depth answers to practical/direct questions and can in many cases provide a “timeline” that rather astonishes me with its accuracy. It’s versatile as well, with line readings, decision spreads and even a Grand Tableau of thirty-six cards! The deck I have even includes a VOYANTE card (which is ME).

 By Creator/Designer,
Carrie Paris


In-depth answers to direct questions

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with tarot reader, RA Martin
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Tarot Readings

Tarot is a tool for transformation;
to help us cross thresholds and
shape new destinies.

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International Tarot

From Santa Fe, to Ireland, to Rome
and London. On buses, in fairs, in fields...
Read about tarot travels.

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Tarot Reader Testimonials

what people say about their readings

To have a tarot reading with Ra is a gift of self-revelation. Her insights offer transformation and awakening to a new way of seeing yourself and life. She is capable of entering a visionary state of being and asks us to enter alongside her. Here we experience Divine Forces at work. Because Ra is a poet as well, her reading of the cards expresses the intuitive with much beauty and depth.

A reading with Ra is life changing!

Alexandra Eldridge - Creator of the Radiant Tarot Deck

I first met RA Martin while on a tarot tour of Italy. The moment I set eyes on her I knew I was meeting someone who understood the art of skillful card divining. It takes just this type of person to make a sitter feel safe, at home and empowered as their greatest fears and desires show up in the cards. RA gently holds this space with strength and integrity and delivers profound and useful insights garnered from years of experience with decks and people.

What impresses me most is her sensitivity to the language of the cards. This is where RA shines. Rather than canned answers, RA poetically translates messages specifically meant for each sitter’s situation. To me this is someone who understands what it means to be a true diviner, which is someone who is dedicated to navigating and delivering the sitter’s highest message. Hermes, messenger of the Gods, clearly shines a favorable light on RA. I highly recommend not one, but several sessions with RA Martin. Doing so will help you achieve your most empowered outcome


Before consulting Ra Martin re a writing project, my last consultation re matters of the Spirit was in 1980 with Don Galloway of England. Don’s messages from Spirit were astoundingly accurate and after his death in 2005, I found no other medium I trust- until I met Ra in 2020.

When I first spoke to Ra, I felt a little “ding” that gave me confidence to question her cards through a 7-card spread about the writing project I was working on at that time. With only that, Ra began shuffling her cards and that little ding I’d felt moments before grew into a gong. Every comment Ra made re my writing project was accurate and Messages Ra has brought to me through Spirit during the last year have proven to be as thorough and accurate as those brought by Don Galloway.

Betty Eppes

I cherish the glimmering memories of the sojourn with Ruthanne as part of the Italy Tarot Tour I led across northern Italy in 2012, exploring early Tarot iconography and its unending evolution. Ruthanne’s ability to interpret symbology was a source of inspiration as she followed trails, taking stunning photographs, capturing the mystique and beauty of our visitations, while amplifying the history and hidden messages of the Cards. She shared insights and empowered others to delve deeper to find truth and resolution. Her inner beauty, reflected by her gift for reading Tarot Cards with tenderness and clarity, have been a source of encouragement to me, as well as countless artists, friends and clients.

Arnell Ando - Silver City, New Mexico

A reading with Ruthanne is like being wrapped in warm cotton wool and fed choc-chip cookies. Yes, she'll always point out the difficult and challenging stuff ahead, but she does it with such kindness, compassion and humour, you'll know you can cope. And with her insight, wisdom and guidance,

you'll be ready for anything. Be prepared for her accuracy, though - I took my young son along to a reading and she said to him: "Wow! Very soon you're going to go on a really fun trip and have an amazing time!" I had to stop her before she innocently revealed the fact that we were about to take him on a surprise trip to Disneyland!

Fiona McCade – Brantome, France

Few true creatives like RA have left brain logic when intuition and clairvoyance reign supreme, but this iconic wonder has it all to give as she pours her heart and soul into seeing our lives.

It takes compassion and empathy to want to be a helper/healer and only those who have walked many paths have the wisdom and open channel to see what we can’t. Open your heart to this goddess-spirit and let her courage and desire to know lead you to a path you may never have noticed. If you can’t trust your intuition or your Self, trust her. She has the strength to guide you and the softness and stillness to walk beside you. What do you want to know? Simply ask, but only if you’re ready, really truly ready, to see through her divine spirit and fly.

Dawn Catherine – Mc Cloud, CA

I have known Ruthanne for twenty years, since we met at a Myth and Theatre Festival in the South of France. At our first meeting, I was struck by her glorious speaking voice. Then I read her poetry and realized she has a magical way with language. As I got to know her, it was clear that Ruthanne is a highly gifted intuitive, and that both her voice and her writing are manifestations of that phenomenon. She instinctively connects with the deep sense of truth that lives in each individual’s body, life history, and ancestry. Most importantly, she hears what you have to say whether you know how to say it or not.

Kate Yust Al-Shamma, Ph.D. - Georgetown University

I cannot speak highly enough about the otherworldly gifts and intuitions of Ra Martin. Her voice alone, when she speaks, is one of the most soothing and calming voices I’ve come across, foreshadowing the loving vibrations and wisdom you are about to experience. She has read many cards for me, and gifted much valuable advice through the trials and joys of my life with stunning insight and with the patience and love only a very old soul could impart.

Her very countenance, her eyes, face, gentle voice embody the “Light”. You can see it and feel it, and my soul is elevated by her mere presence. I’m so grateful to the Universe, that gifted me a flesh and blood “Guide” right here and now on this planet to help me on this life journey whenever I need! Ra is a very rare gift to this planet. I feel so lucky, and I hope everyone can find and experience her!

Christopher R - New York, NY

When in need of advice – especially of the life-saving kind – Ruthanne is the person to turn to. With her profound wisdom, psychic skills, empathy and eye for detail, she reads the Tarot cards like no other. I will be forever grateful to Ruthanne for helping me with several of her readings, using various card decks, through an unexpectedly difficult time, so for any major decision or when I feel stuck or in need of a fresh perspective (plus a good laugh), I know to contact her. Thank you once again for everything, Ruthanne!

Sonja - Germany

In the hands of this exceptionally wise woman the Tarot cards become as windows into the longing of the soul. Bring a sincere and clear question to Ruthanne and let her bring her uncanny gift of reading the cards to help guide you on your way.

Dermot McGuigan – New York, NY

Ruth has been so essential in my healing journey. I’ve been doing tarot readings from her for a few years now, and it’s been so insightful and accurate. I love how she contextualises the reading and walks me through the cards in her beautiful and wise Ruth way. I wasn’t a believer in mysticism but I see truth in her work and it has helped me go on to start my own journey with tarot, which has been enriching. Thank you Ruth for all that you do! You have a special way of tapping into the universe and manifesting it in your readings. Wishing you all the love and good wishes in your journey ahead. www.thealiporepost.com

Rohini Kejriwal - Founder, The Alipore Post

Ra is a consummate reader of the cards. Always deeply in tune with the person she’s reading for, with great insight and wisdom, she transforms the experience. Every session brings enlightenment. It takes great skill and patience to come to this kind of wisdom and understanding, which she has, in abundance. I greatly admire her work, on every level. A poet, a seer, a wise woman, Ra gives so much to others, takes so little for herself. I feel privileged to know her, and to know that I can call on her anytime confusion or crisis needs spiritual resolution. www.mishibellamy.net

Mishi Bellamy – Scotland

I feel so lucky to have been gifted with the pleasure of meeting Ruthanne . She is a rare beautiful talent. From the moment we started working together I felt relaxed and at ease. Ruthanne has a very natural way with words & empathetically supportive. Her emotional intelligence is on another level.

Apart from the fact she has the most soothing voice I've ever heard, she has a warmth and knowing that is spot on. When you work with someone like Ruthanne she gives you everything. Her years of experience and knowledge are invaluable. She really takes in what you are saying and instinctually delivers.

I cannot recommend this earth angel highly enough. I will forever be grateful for how she helped me to learn & grow and recognise myself on another level. Thankyou!.

Victoria Hockley – London, UK

My reading with Ra was the first I had ever had, so I went into it not knowing what to expect. Within minutes I had chills - card after card my past was spelled out for me. I have had a difficult past that not many people know about, but it was as if Ra was looking into my soul. The more we continued the more aligned my reading became.

Not only did my reading address my past and present struggles, but also what was holding me back from achieving my best self and future happiness. It brought me awareness to the interconnections of my past, present and future. The reading did not “magically” heal me, but it gave me the tools to heal myself and to understand my soul on a deeper level. It was as if Ra opened my eyes inward. Those few minutes were life changing and I can’t wait until my next reading!

Ra is a lovely soul-kind, warm-hearted and intuitive. Her reading is direct, clear, and most importantly accurate. I strongly recommend her!

Aurelie - London, UK

I first met RA about 10 years ago through my work as a holistic and beauty therapist when she came for a treatment. I found her to be one of the most spiritual & knowledgeable persons I have come across. After learning of her Tarot/Oracle readings, I knew many of my clients would be interested in having readings. I arranged a fundraising day for an animal shelter & RA read cards for around 30 people - A huge success! Yet, I still hadn’t had my own cards read.

Later on, I had a tragic loss which RA did not know about as she was traveling in USA. When I saw her, I asked for a reading. First card "WOW"...she said, "you have met the love of your life"..."you kept that quiet"- she turned the next card and it was the Death card, she stared and said..."oh, dear" and before she said another word, she saw the look on my face as the tears came flooding. Since then, RA has been a big part of my life. Any decisions I need to make I run them first by my wonderful spiritual friend. Thank you for your guidance, RA.

Lynda O’ Neil - France

Ruthanne has a huge gift as a Tarot reader. She knows the cards so well and her ability to use beautiful language to describe the symbols amazes. She gets it right.

Donna Eaglesmith - Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Wisdom of Experience, The blessing of the Celestial Gift, the Voice of Angels and Guides, the Preciousness of Time, The Beauty of Eternity, The Support of Heaven, and the Truth of The Divine Feminine. I couldn't be in safer hands! Thank You Ra!"

RA has such grace and warmheartedness in her art/life work with Tarot. The readings she's done for me were illuminated by her knowledge of the cards which held for me a poetic perspective. There's the steadiness of one's own nature underfoot; and there were aha moments that lit awareness

Kim Mott - Idaho, US

I had my cards read by Ruthanne on a few different occasions. Her timeless wisdom and beautiful warmth is what enticed me back into the chair opposite her as she read my cards with a wealth of compassion, truth and groundedness. Ruthanne is truly a unique individual, deeply connected to earth and soul and it is through this profound connection that she holds the space as the cards reveal themselves and the messages are unraveled.

Ruthanne exudes a calm, peaceful energy with a joyfulness of being that immediately puts the 'client' at ease. Her work is solid, insightful and authentic. I look forward to sitting in the chair opposite her again as she interprets the cards with her gentle ease and profound insight.

Carolyn Farmer - Ireland

Over the 7 years I’ve known Ruthanne, myself & many of my closest family and friends have received life changing readings, insights and encouragement, which have helped them make better choices as well as make sense of what is happening – both to them and those around them. They continue to return for readings whenever the need for guidance arises. I understood very quickly, whatever way the cards fell, her integrity, experience, intuition and spirituality are strongly connected to a universal, divine energy. Her guidance is invaluable and unique, completely professional and trustworthy. And as a bonus she has a lovely sense of humor and uplifting voice.

Sara Ashley - London, UK