Tarot Reader San Francisco

Tarot Reading Travels

International Tarot

San Francisco, California Tarot Readings

Yes, it's true, even though I've lived in France for the last 15 years or so (and love it!); I left a chunk of my heart in San Francisco. The rest of it's still beating away on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge in Sausalito, on a tiny houseboat on Issaquah dock, Waldo Pt. Harbor.

Before I became a full-time Tarot reader San Francisco bound, I commuted by ferry to the two Art Galleries I worked for in the city. The best commute one could possibly have! It took me a while to adjust to living in a home that doesn't “rock” back and forth with the wind and the waves...

The “Painted Ladies” make you feel like you just dropped acid, while North Beach's Caffe Greco Italian roast Cappucinos can get you high in one demi-tasse. Lawrence Ferlinghetti's ghost greeted me at City Lights - sooo happy to see him and his jewel still going strong after 167 years (unbelievable, but I did the math!); And because parking is impossible, it's a walking/trolley/bus/metro city. My kind of town.

My trusty travel companion, Aurora and I covered a lot of territory and had some of the best seafood meals fresh from the Bay. I sang for my supper with my California Tarot Readings. Among others, I did a five-hour reading for poet Giovanni Singleton, her work is lyrical and singular, and I saw her STAR rising.

The French LOVE San Francisco (even if they haven't been there). I think there is a bond between the two Cities of Light (though Charras doesn't have much fog). I hope I will get back there again one of these days.

Fair on your hills, my City,
Fair as the Queen of old,
Supreme in her seven-hilled splendor,
You, from your Gate of Gold,
Facing the orient sunburst,
Swathed in the sunset gleams,
Throned in an ultimate glory,
City of mists and of dreams!

— ‘To San Francisco’ by Ina D Coolbrith