Tarot Reading London

Tarot Reading Travels

International Tarot

London Tarot Readings

In the past I've been a UK Tarot reader in the Lakes District for poetry tours covering Hawkshead, Coniston, Cumbria, Grasmere = Wordsworth territory: “Come forth into the light, let nature be your teacher.”

And indeed it has been. Mystical & unforgettable to be at the Castlerigg Stone Circle in Keswick and the fell walk of Old Man of Coniston. Pilgrims & Poets, one and all.

But to be a Tarot reader in London...! As Mary Oliver wrote: “...I was a bride married to amazement!”

It all came about when my darling friend Lady Sara & her man, Neil of Chipperfield/King's Langley, invited me to come for a visit and stay at their magical cottage right across from the Common with its Spanish Chestnut trees dating back to the 1600's, prehistoric burial mounds and....

One of the biggest attractions was right down the road: The Chipperfield pub, The Windmill, where episodes of Granchester had been filmed. (I had a secret crush on “Sidney).” He wasn't there, but the Sunday roast was divine and the bar-men were a hoot!

I hadn't been to London (aside from the airport) since the 70's, quite a few things had changed, but the bones of the city were still there with lots of upgrades. It's been nearly 250 years since Samuel Johnson wrote, "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life"—but it rings true to this day. I loved the Ivy Chelsea Garden, the public sculptures, the London cabbies, the well-turned-out lads on Carnaby Street, and the endless “cuppas: of tea and cappuccinos we had along the way.

But most of all I was jazzed to be a tarot reader in London (and Chipperfield); especially reading the cards for Lady Sara and her twin Elizabeth at a French restaurant that rivaled anything in France. To use one of my favorite British Colloquialisms: “I was chuffed to bits!” - And better yet, I’ve been invited back with my cards and my crystal ball.