Tarot Santa Fe New Mexico

Tarot Reading Travels

International Tarot

Santa Fe, New Mexico Tarot Readings

What a thrill it was to be invited by my friend, Alexandra Eldridge to visit her in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to explore the Canyon road Art scene and Tarot Santa Fe New Mexico style! I was swept into a world of Adobe, Art, Angels,Hot Springs, Labyrinths, Lavender Farms, Meow Wolf and Milagros (little Miracles).

I stepped into Georgia O'Keefe's vision at Ghost Ranch and visited Angels at the Folk-Art Museum. I did Tarot reading Santa Fe in Temples, Box Cars, Monasteries, Kivas, private homes, coffee shops and even a Taos Tarot reading in an Antiquities shop. I tucked them all into my “Memory Palace.”

New Mexico is well named “The Land of Enchantment!” To borrow some words from D.H. Lawrence: In New Mexico a new part of his Soul “woke up suddenly,” and the old world gave way to the new.”

The older I become, the lighter my suitcase gets. Soon it will be Hobo Samsonite, a stick with a kerchief holding a deck of cards. The Fool is my traveling companion & my hands, which used to be filled with idle mischief, are now held by a thousand other hands - by the time I leave this plane of existence, I hope they will be filled with light.

There is Magic on the Mesa, Spirituality is at its Zenith, and the skies go on forever!